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Terms and Conditions of Use
With zHotelling means the web site www.zhotelling.com or the owner/administrator of the website
This document outlines the rules that you must follow to use the website zHotelling
It is necessary that you respect and understand all aspects of this document.
• I declare to take note of this document, of the Publishing rules and of the Privacy Policy and I agree to the contents.
• The contents of the website are the property of zHotelling, it is forbidden to reproduce, copy or trade any content that is part of the website or is connected to it, of whatever nature (intellectual, graphic, text and so on), without explicit authorization by zHotelling.
zHotelling is a website dedicated to publishing and searching for accommodation, and other potential content defined and adjusted later
• To publish content and/or contact the owners of the accommodation you need to create an access, registration is free.
An e-mail valid and active is one of the necessary conditions for the creation of access.
zHotelling We reserve the right to accept or reject a registration based on our motivations and needs
• The user can make use of services and features for free and/or paid, it depends on what the user of the site.
The research announcements of accommodation is free.
• Only zHotelling is authorized to insert objects and/or advertising space on web pages.
To take advantage of spaces and/or advertising content you need to contact the administration through electronic forms on the site.
• When you publish contents and/or use of services in the website, the user must follow the procedures that zHotelling defines and exposes in the pages.
zHotelling endeavors to ensure that the site is safe, but like any other website too, zHotelling can not guarantee it with absoluteness. In any case, the correct and sensible user behavior can help you to have a safe environment.
Below is a list (although not exhaustive) of provisions that go in this direction:
    - when you subscribe choose a non trivial password
    - not to publish links that lead to websites unreliable or even malicious
    - do not store the system contents that can include viruses, malicious code or malicious content in general
    - not take any action that may jeopardize the proper functioning of the site
    - not to send other users text and/or potentially harmful content
    - not spamming, both manual and automated
• You agree to use the same common sense rules that apply in everyday life.
The set of points below is not however exhaustive:
    - always have a respectful attitude toward all users
    - relying on the website the same rules and precautions that are used in everyday life
    - not to undertake acts of discrimination, racism, hatred and violence, even no incites them
    - not to publish and/or distribute content involving child pornography
    - do not use the site for illegal purposes and actions
    - not to communicate to third parties, individuals, companies or other, any information users without their explicit consent
The user is encouraged to collaborate with zHotelling to that effect and then to communicate any crimes, violations of the law and/or violations of the terms of this document, in any case have carefully check the veracity of what you are communicating
zHotelling provides functionality and services related to the publication and content search so it's not responsible for what you post on the site and it is not responsible for any misuse and / or abuse implemented by the user
• If you violate applicable laws and/or the terms of this document, you will take full responsibility for your actions.
zHotelling will always be able to intervene on the contents and, if deemed necessary, at its discretion, may suspend or remove content, or suspend and/or remove user enrollment, or declare the user is not welcome in the website then also prevent access and/or future enrollments
zHotelling reserves the right to remove any content that violates the copyright of third parties who have not authorized the publication.
The occurrence of any of the situations described above, even if a customer had purchased one or more services offered by zHotelling, no amount will be refunded, even no in part.
• In the case the user does cause material damage, image, cheap, in general any other type of direct or indirect damage, the user shall indemnify zHotelling
zHotelling It is not responsible for any jamming and/or problems with the site, loss or violation of data and of any other similar occurrence, although for prolonged times, caused by natural disasters or malicious actions that affect/the structure/and where the system resides, or devices that allow the connection of the web site, failures of third-party companies that provide services to zHotelling, persons or entities carrying against zHotelling criminal or illegal actions, any other third party not identified at this time, that provides system damage.
In case happens the circumstances of the cases described above, or other similar, no recourse may be taken by the user against zHotelling.
• In the case of updates of the site may occur temporary blackouts or temporary interruptions of the website's features, the occurrence of occurrences of this kind, no recourse may be made against zHotelling
• The website was built with technology that allows the display of content in the main browsers currently in use. However, to the heterogeneity and the large number of systems and devices in use it is not possible ensure proper display of pages let alone the proper functioning of services in all browsers or all existing devices around the world.
zHotelling may send communications and/or information to the user via email. The communications can be of various kinds: communications and various alerts, technical communications, alerts for a safe, alerts promotions or future ..etc. Other communications are still similar and/or related to the normal activities of the website.
• The website has an electronic module with which the user can interact with zHotelling.
Any request or communication must be made exclusively in Italian or English.
• The terms will be offered in several languages, if there are contradictions between the various translations, prevails document written in Italian.
• For any other point not explicitly stated and regulated here, it refers to articles connected to the D.C. the Law of the Italian State and/or any other laws or provisions therein applied to the type and nature of this site. Any claims or disputes that may exist between the user and zHotelling will be resolved in the Court of Rome in Rome (Lazio region) in Italy.
Document updated to 15/04/2015

zHotelling.com is a web platform dedicated to publishing and searching for accommodation. Who propose lodging or has an accommodation structure knows the importance of being present in the internet through a system that allows a simple and rapid consultation and reservation; and who is looking for a place for overnight, use increasingly internet for this purpose, a means of global visibility exceptional.

zHotelling has created this platform, free for those looking for accommodation, simple and very practical to use, both for those who have an accommodation structure and intends to increase its business, both for those in search of housing and accommodation with exclusive services and targeted.

One of the many advantages in zHotelling is the vastness of types of accommodation presente in the search engine, in fact in zHotelling anyone can post ads for housing, local people who provide a room for those who travel, an entire apartment or any property, even in the countryside etc., and the classic struture accommodation as hotels, bed & breakfasts, cottages, holiday homes, guest houses, hostels, campsites, holiday parks .. and many other types.

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